Actually, here's an application form for substitute teachers in West Ada. If you're a fledgling teacher and you're young, healthy, and strong, and have the ability to be mobile, maybe it would be worth relocating for a year or two. In California, the teacher unions have such a hold on the system that it is very hard to find a teaching position here. Many younger teachers scrape and scramble for new opening positions, taking jobs as aides until the union deems an older teacher can retire and make space. Maybe some of those young people might think about getting some experience outside of the state. Fire them because for too long we've let the institution become more important than the people it supposedly serves. It's time for a change. If everyday Americans are asked to make big changes to how they live, the teachers must do the same. Get in the classroom or quit. You're not entitled to your job. No one is.

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Everything is designed to affect the election, and if Biden wins, he'll need a strong economy to win again (or Harris will); thus, everything will return to normal and America will treat COVID just like Biden and Obama treated the Swine Flu…like it never existed. You know what they say about putting lipstick on a horse…

Absolutely brilliant 🙄 What the "smartest people in the room" don't understand is that you can't socially engineer human behavior, at least not in America. And that's all this is. The outdoor dining bans were never about COVID numbers. They were about denying people the ability to socialize. Naturally, thinking, independent human beings want to socialize anyway, and so they gather in other places that often turned out to be more dangerous than outdoor dining. COVID numbers continue to explode in heavy lockdown districts like Los Angeles. However, government officials in California have never been ones to let facts and reality get in the way of a power trip. They've been telling you when you're supposed to be at home (between 10p. m. and 5a. ) and telling you how far from home you're allowed to travel (120 miles) and telling you how many people you're allowed to break bread with. Now Mommy and Daddy are really serious…no tv until further notice! States like Florida and South Dakota get it.

Seating must be limited to six people at a time and they all must be from the same household. Did I miss the part where LA Public Health also provides DNA tests and background checks for hosts to administer before they seat a table of six? My friend has seven children. If they choose to dine out I guess the toddlers just have to ask for their own tables. Protip: Toddlers are terrible tippers. Is this real life? As FoxLA's Bill Melugin notes, this is an order probably aimed at keeping people from congregating over Superbowl weekend. Also as Melugin notes, much like outdoor dining simply drove people to congregate more in indoors and subsequently drove up COVID numbers, the moronic "no tv" order will likely just drive more people to host larger private viewing parties. It's obvious the Health Department wants to stop people from watching the Super Bowl outdoors at sports bars/restaurants, so they are now going to force people to watch it indoors with private home gatherings by taking the outdoor option away.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer: If You're Tired of Masks and Wish You Could Go Back to Church, Vote for Biden – RedState

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#MTP Whitmer: The "Trump virus response is the worst … in the world. " — Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) October 18, 2020 Let's recap…November 3rd…America is sinking, with no end in sight. COVID is ravaging our nation. Children can't go to school, and it's too dangerous to let businesses operate as normal. November 4th, after a Biden win…COVID is gone! No need for restrictions. Those 220, 000 dead really don't matter then. The virus disappears, and thus, the need for restrictive lockdowns. Gosh, if only we'd known this back in March. We could have forcibly removed Trump from office and installed Biden as an interim dictator, and none of this would have ever had to happen. They're not even trying to hide their political games anymore. With the corporate media beginning to run more stories on the danger of lockdowns to mental health and education, and people like Whitmer claiming the end to all this is simply in the act of casting enough ballots, it has become painfully and tragically obvious that, for Democrats, this has never been about the virus.

Governor Newsom's about-face regarding the state's draconian stay-at-home orders last week threw a lot of people for a loop. While business owners were excited to have the opportunity to resume some form of normalcy, they were also angry at the lack of reasoning or explanations coming from Sacramento. Why the sudden change? None of the available data has changed. Of course, we know that this was a political move on Newsom's part. Administration insiders are whispering to the press that Newsom has finally started taking the current recall petition against him seriously. Rumors were floating around earlier in the week that the Biden team was furious at Warden Governor Newsom for defying their official line on COVID closures, accusing him of making the move purely for political purposes. Of course, Newsom's backtrack didn't mean that the entire state would open immediately. It simply means that counties are out from under state stay-at-home orders and can regulate their businesses according to the situation on the ground in their own municipalities.

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Fans were in hysterics at the mishap 'Josie Gibson splitting out of her Ghostbusters outfit is all I need to see today #ThisMorning'. While many were tickled by the gaffe, one fan was begrudging of Holly highlighting Josie's mishap, although Josie did not seem bothered at all. The This Morning viewer wrote: 'Why would @hollywills throw her under the bus like that? Women are supposed to lift each other, not embarrass each other. I really expected better to be honest. ' Huh!? Holly seemed baffled by the outfit malfunction, as she first asked Phil if the rip was there before caving and asking Josie

The first day of in-person public school in the West Ada School District in Idaho was canceled on Monday after over 600 teachers called off work in an apparent "sick-out. " From Idaho News: "We are sadly unable to safely hold school tomorrow due to supervision concerns. This includes students enrolled in Virtual Schoolhouse, and students who would have been learning remotely, " the district said in a statement. "We are continuing to work with the West Ada Education Association to find solutions to their concerns so we can hold school on Wednesday. " Classes were canceled on Monday after 652 teachers called in sick, leaving the district with far too few substitutes to fill in the gaps. The planned "sick-outs" came after the West Ada School Board voted to allow students to return to in-person classes on alternating days starting Monday, despite Ada County being in the "red" category. Multiple teachers at the meeting expressed concern that safety measures put in place to slow the spread of COVID-19 were inadequate or would not be followed in an in-person learning setting.

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We need curious teachers. If you're denying science you really have no place in the public school system. Fire them for not being able to perform their jobs. It is completely understandable that some teachers, particularly older teachers, just don't feel comfortable returning to a classroom. COVID is scary, for some more than others. No one should be ashamed for feeling like they just don't want to be out and about at work or socializing. That is a very personal choice. But part of being an adult is taking responsibility for your own decisions. If you feel you can't do the job you've agreed to do — for whatever reasons — it is your responsibility to quit. Go find other work that doesn't require you to be in a classroom with children. It is not the responsibility of children and parents to keep you safe. That is your own job. If you cannot perform the tasks you collect a salary for, then leave. This is not the job for you. In any other sector, we would fire someone and then probably tell jokes about them incessantly if they came to our business and said they don't want to work but they do want to get paid to work.

The governor, who has become one of the faces of hypocritical lockdowns for the Left over the last few months, insinuated that Trump doesn't care that 220, 000 people have died so far from COVID, and that 8 million positive COVID tests have been logged so far. Notice that I didn't say "cases. " There's no indication that, just because we've administered 8 million tests that 8 million individual people were tested, or that even a fraction of those people were ever even symptomatic. BUT I DIGRESS. She also insinuated that the real victims of the lockdowns are the heroes who are staying closed and staying home indefinitely, and that Trump and anyone who wants to get back to living their American lives are, in fact, inciting violence. "Every moment that we are not focused on the fact that there are 220, 000 Americans who have died from this virus is good for him. So in that sense, as he incites additional violence against people who are just trying to save one another's lives. It's good for him.

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July 21, 2021, 1:27 am