BATON ROUGE, La. — The head of the Louisiana National Guard is retiring after 37 years in the military, including eight years as its top leader during the state's response to disasters including major floods, hurricanes and cyberattacks on government. Maj. Gen. Glenn Curtis will leave his position as adjutant general on Jan. 10, Gov. John Bel Edwards said at a Monday event announcing the retirement from his cabinet. Brig. Keith Waddell, who's worked as Curtis' chief deputy, will take over the job upon Curtis' retirement. "It has been a tremendous honor and privilege for me to work with Gen. Curtis, " the Democratic governor said, standing with both Curtis and Waddell. "His leadership has been stellar. It's been steadfast. And his service to the people of our state has been just simply outstanding. " Curtis was named adjutant general of the Louisiana National Guard by former Gov. Bobby Jindal in November 2011. Edwards kept him in the post when he took office in 2016. Curtis led the National Guard through t wo massive floods across north and south Louisiana in 2016.

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July 21, 2021, 5:22 am