1. If you want to leave a good impression at an interview, use repetition - Graduate Coach
  2. What would motivate you in work? - Receptionist Interview Questions

Repeat yourself during the interview Tony Bendell in his book, Building Anti-Fragile Organisations, which tackles the subject of uncertainty, says the art of stressing a point is one of those systems that increases in strength with use. In other words, the more we stress something, the stronger the image formed in the minds of our listeners. This works well in exercise – the more stress we place on a muscle the stronger it becomes. However, this does of course have its limits: if we place too much stress on a muscle it could become irreparably injured. This is a system you therefore want to use in your interview with balance. One way to create balance, according to Bendell, is to include feedback loops. You cannot stress your point while oblivious to the feedback and needs of others. So you need to read the interviewer for clues on how he or she is responding to what you've said. Do the eyes of the interviewer light up? Does he or she ask you to illustrate what you've just said or ask for more examples?

If you want to leave a good impression at an interview, use repetition - Graduate Coach

I hope so! Check also 7 sample answers to other tricky interview questions: How would you describe your work style? What gets you up in the morning? Do you consider yourself successful? Author Recent Posts Matthew has been working in international recruitment since 2008. He helps job seekers from all walks of life to pursue their career goals, and to prepare for their interviews. He is the founder of website. Latest posts by Matthew Chulaw ( see all)

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What would motivate you in work? - Receptionist Interview Questions

Or does he or she move on? Can you find points that are returned to over and over? This often happens when an interviewer asks the same question but in a different way. If so, these are great indications that the interviewer wants to hear more about a particular skill. Use variety during the interview If you kept repeating the same sentence or words over and over again you would sound like a robot, and likely annoy the interviewers, so you also need to use a variety of ways to get your message across. Just as in exercising where a muscle benefits from a variety of types of exercises in order to get the best results, you need to come at your point from different angles. Try to find at least three examples you can use to make your point. Use intervals during the interview Another thing you need to bear in mind is rest and frequency. That means making your point at appropriate intervals throughout the interview. For a typical hour interview you might stress your main point no more than three or four times.

It is not easy to find motivation, if you do the same thing eight hours a day, week after week. That is one of the major reasons for high job-hopping rates in retail. Not many people can handle the job for a long time, let's say for a few years. On the other hand, a good employee is the one who takes care of their duties responsibly, even if the job is boring. You should focus on preference to routine jobs. Not everyone likes challenges, some of us simply love routine, and you should try to show that attitude in your answer. Alternatively you can say that you do not consider the job to be routine. But if you go for that answer, you should elaborate on it, saying why you do not consider the job routine. Sample answers I do not like creative, or challenging jobs. Routine is what I am looking for. I like to know my job, to know what to do every day. I do not like surprises. I can learn to do my duties well, and enjoy doing them day after day, for a long time. Good collective matters the most.

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July 19, 2021, 6:07 am