Black Lives Matter The School of Social Work at Portland State University stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. As agents of change, researchers, educators, social workers, and people working with children, youth, and families, we stand in solidarity and uplift the calls to action shared by Black Lives Matter and other movements for racial justice, radical healing, and structural change. The systemic violence, police brutality, and, specifically, the murders of Black men, women, trans, and non-binary community members has been happening continuously and across generations through multiple forms of oppression. The violence that we have collectively witnessed over the last several years has pushed many of us to our breaking points. At this moment, many of us are questioning how and why and what we can do to disrupt and resist these systems of terror and harm. We believe that all of us have a role to play in dismantling the systems of racialized violence and intersectional oppression whether through redistributing funds, protesting, mutual aid, spiritual work, engaging hard conversations with loved ones, and holding space for self-care, healing, rage, and grief.

School of Social Work | Portland State University

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"And if you're watching tonight, I'm betting you do, too. Over the past four years, we have made tremendous progress towards that promise. " Scott warned viewers of the type of America that was being touted by the Democrats. "Make no mistake: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want a cultural revolution. A fundamentally different America, " he said. "If we let them, they will turn our country into a socialist utopia and history has taught us that path only leads to pain and misery, especially for hard-working people hoping to rise. " Scott finished his speech with a powerful memory that could only have happened within the borders of a country like the United States. Recalling his late grandfather, Scott said the unthinkable happened in his family because of the opportunities he had been given. "My grandfather's 99th birthday would have been tomorrow. Growing up, he had to cross the street if a white person was coming, " Scott said. "He suffered the indignity of being forced out of school as a third grader to pick cotton and never learned to read or write. "

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And the President has fought alongside me on that. " Scott told the powerful and inspiring story of launching his own successful, small business and how that experience has led him to be strong on supporting reasonable tax codes that benefit American small business owners. He shifted into his inspiration to run for congress in 2010 as a new, young politician without the political pedigree of his white predecessors. "Because of the evolution of the heart, in an overwhelmingly white district, the voters judged me not on the color of my skin, but on the content of my character, " Scott said. "We live in a world that only wants you to believe in the bad news, racially, economically, and culturally-polarizing news. The truth is, our nation's arc always bends back towards fairness. We are not fully where we want to be…but thank God we are not where we used to be. " The senator admitted that things weren't perfect but hopefully suggested that the United States was on the right track. "We have work to do, but I believe in the goodness of America, the promise that all men and all women are created equal, " he said.

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott delivered a powerful message on the first night of the Republican National Committee, turning the tables on Democrats who claim to be the party home for Black Americans. Scott told a moving story about growing up with a single mother and carving out his own destiny based on hard work, merit, and perseverance. The road wasn't always a smooth one for Scott who said that, as a child, he and his mother shared a room and a bed with his siblings while living with his grandparents. Scott bemoaned the Democrat's narrative which included cancel culture and punching down. Instead, he offered a country of encouragement and success for anyone who dares to work for it. "Do we want a society that breeds success, or a culture that cancels everything it even slightly disagrees with? " he asked. "I know where I stand because you see, I am living my mother's American Dream. " Scott praised his mother for always telling him to look for the chance to succeed. "She knew that if we could find the opportunity, bigger things would come. "

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We have extensive community partnerships with top employers including all of the major medical systems, the Oregon Department of Human Services, and local public school systems, giving you opportunities for hands-on learning that are unmatched in Oregon. At PSU, you will graduate with the skills, experience and connections you need to further your career. You will graduate equipped to change lives and change communities.

Advance Your Career At Portland State University's School of Social Work, you will find passionate and forward-thinking colleagues and collaborative, inclusive faculty committed to building a socially just and equitable future for all. Our nationally recognized teaching and research faculty will help unlock your potential and prepare you to work with individuals, families, communities, and organizations. Study in the heart of downtown Portland, or enroll in one of our many program options around the state or online. We offer: Bachelor's and master's degrees with program options online or in locations around the state. A PhD degree in our innovative and progressive social work program. Internships in social work and child, youth, and family studies. Undergraduate and graduate research opportunities with our nationally recognized and funded Regional Research Institute for Human Services, Center for Improvement of Child and Family Services or Center for Interdisciplinary Mentoring Research.

Scott also credited a mentor for seeing something in him that he hadn't quite yet seen in himself. It was his encouragement, Scott said, that made him think he could help as a Senator, by creating Opportunity Zones. "Like, having a job was a good thing, but creating jobs would be better, " Scott said. "That having an income could change my lifestyle, but creating a profit could change my community. He planted the seeds of what would become Opportunity Zones – this initiative the President and I worked together on is bringing over 75 billion dollars of private sector investment into distressed communities. " The senator leaned heavily on the importance of quality, relevant education for everyone, recognizing that different people have different needs and strengths. "That's why I fight to this day for school choice, to make sure every child, in every neighborhood, has a quality education, " Scott said. "I don't care if it's a public, private, charter, virtual, or home school. When a parent has a choice, their kid has a better chance.

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Yet, he lived to see his grandson become the first African American to be elected to both the United States House and Senate. " "Our family went from Cotton to Congress in one lifetime. And that's why I believe the next American century can be better than the last, " Scott said. "There are millions of families like mine across this of potential seeking to live the American Dream. And I'm here tonight to tell you that supporting the Republican ticket gives you the best chance of making that dream a reality. "

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July 10, 2021, 6:31 pm