Business | Is Poland Spring Water Really From a Spring? 'Not One Drop, ' Says a Lawsuit Credit... Jennifer S. Altman for The New York Times Over the years, if you've ever had Poland Spring water, you probably made the reasonable assumption that you were drinking water that was, in fact, from a spring. You might have even imagined a spring in Maine much like the one flowing through a green hillside on the familiar logo of the country's largest bottled spring water brand. But that is not so, according to allegations in a lawsuit that a judge mostly allowed to move forward on Thursday. Instead, the class-action lawsuit contends that Nestlé Waters's marketing and sales of what it advertises as "100% Natural Spring Water" has been "a colossal fraud perpetrated against American consumers. " "Not one drop" of Poland Spring water actually qualifies as spring water, the lawsuit says. It is common groundwater that has been illegally mislabeled in order to "reap massive undue sales. " The result is that Poland Spring water has become "the dominant brand in a market in which it does not even belong, " the suit says.

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(If this hasn't happened yet, just wait! It's scary. ) The same can be said for recruiters. These are just kids who chose a recruiting career path, with their own biases and problems. They're not all-knowing. If your interview isn't with a recruiter, even better: She isn't a professional interviewer. You're just two people, seeing if there is a match between person and open role. Interviewers won't remember everything you say, and in some cases may be distracted or trying to come up with questions to ask, and they'll mostly remember how you made them feel because people are self-absorbed. Be as conversational as possible. When an interviewer asks you a question, it's not a test! You don't need to deliver a prepared speech in return. Avoid buzzwords or speech patterns you wouldn't normally use; this is just a conversation. Turn the question over in your mind, feel free to think out loud as you do so. "Ah, I've actually thought about this myself. It reminds me of X. My instinct is to say Y, but I can see the draw of Z too because of Q…" Flip the convo back to your interviewer: Does she know what you mean?

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July 20, 2021, 11:51 am