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ss412zx Thu 28-May-15 13:50:48 Having finishing my PhD I am applying for jobs and have got my first interview for a research position at a UK university in a few weeks time. What do you wear? Nobody in academia (that I have seen) ever wears a suit on a day to day basis, or even dresses smartly really, jeans etc mostly. So for interview obviously I am not going in jeans, and I do own a suit (dislike wearing it though). Would black skirt and blouse be too admin-like? Should I just wear the suit and feel like an idiot!? ThatEffingCreakyFloor Thu 28-May-15 14:08:35 You're right, no one wears suits unless they're v senior! (Or trying to be! ) How about tailored trousers & nice top? Or slightly casual trousers (not jeans) & a jacket/ blazer to smarten & structure it a bit. Just make sure you're comfortable & it's not something you need to adjust or wriggle around in if sitting down. Good luck! TheCountessofFitzdotterel Thu 28-May-15 14:10:59 I would wear a suit! An interview is different from normal.

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Academic job interview clothes for girls 2019

Academic dress in USA is culturally very different! PiratePanda Thu 28-May-15 18:53:46 Academic here. Depends on the discipline - e. g. law and economics, wear a suit. Anything else wear a nice pair of tailored trousers and a nice but, crucially, non-matching jacket. Or wear a dress with a jacket, if you're more of a dress kind of person. I'd wear heels, but nice flats if you prefer. Minimal "natural" makeup, no perfume, brushed hair!,, Thu 28-May-15 19:27:17 Fellowship! Just remembered, seems obvious now. TheWordFactory Thu 28-May-15 19:30:18 For my job today I wore black slouchy trousers ( smart though) and shell top. I wore converse too. But wouldn't have for interview.

Academic job interview clothes for girls plus size

Thu 28-May-15 15:34:20 Thanks whiteshirt, I am pleased to have got this far, especially as I have just realised in my OP I can't event use the English language properly - I have just finished my PhD! Love 'they only have it in stick' even if that is my typos again - better be careful with that! Thu 28-May-15 15:36:56 And so my typos become even more frequent as I go on. Crikey! missmoon Thu 28-May-15 16:33:38 I would stay that if it's for a postdoc-type position then smart trousers and a nice top/blouse would be fine. For a lectureship or a JRF it might be better to wear a suit, that is what most people seem to wear. It can be highly subject-specific, for a subject like economics or business a suit would probably be better, for engineering or computer science a less formal outfit might be ok. If in doubt (and you have one), I would wear a suit. KondoAttitude Thu 28-May-15 18:28:34 Message withdrawn at poster's request. badg3r Thu 28-May-15 18:35:03 I don't know what your field is but I would dress like you would of giving a presentation at a conference.

Academic job interview clothes for girls rock

If it's just for a post doc a suit is a bit much, smart trousers and top would be fine I think. Thu 28-May-15 18:37:15 Sorry that sounds a bit dismissive... obviously a post doc interview is brilliant! 'Just'in the sense that it's not as senior as a jrf or teaching position, in which case i would wear the suit. Bilberry Thu 28-May-15 18:50:07 I would go/have gone in a suit. We wore all sorts at work but still needed suits to attend meetings, some conferences (if presenting) and I suppose wearing a suit to interview showed we were capable of looking presentable! We also occasionally got an email round saying some big wig/important funder was visiting the department and could we all turn up suited and booted! One of my colleagues did a scholarship-thing (not actually a scholarship as she was fairly senior but can't remember what it was called) in America for six months. There was a bunch of British academics and they were attending various events. After a week the organisers cleared their diaries one afternoon and told them to go shopping.

academic job interview clothes for girls 2

I agree suit would be ott though. Good luck Thu 28-May-15 14:24:33 You could wear the suit jacket with a dress? Thu 28-May-15 14:25:35 Dh went to an interview for a head of department post once where one of the other interviewees was wearing a fleece! I was shocked, I tell you. Fleece guy didn't get the job though. Thu 28-May-15 15:16:51 at fleece guy! I like the idea of female equivalent of chinos and smart shirt or suit jacket and dress - if only I already owned those very things in just the right style. The suit I own is a bit nasty, it was the best fit for me when I bought it about 7 years ago but it isn't even a solid colour so useless for combining with other things... I think anyway?! I saw a fairly okay suit-dress thing in M&S but they only had one size left in stick (obv not my size). Any suggestions for where to look online beyond M&S and Next (where I have already looked) would be great! Budget is unfortunately minimal. Thu 28-May-15 15:17:27 Left in stock, not stick. Whiteshirt Thu 28-May-15 15:23:21 Academic interview wear bears no resemblance to the sartorial horrors we show up in on a daily basis!

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