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"Nuu! " protests the red unicorn. "Dun be meanie Cuwvewt! Dis hooman hewp Dwain git back! " says the red pegasus. "Your name is Dwayne? " you aks. "Not Dwain, Dwain! " Oh, Drain. Because he's a sewer fluffy, right. "Yoo hewp fwuffies den? " asks Culvert. "Dank yo hooman! Aww fwuffies gif hooman huggies! " The herd rises from the murky floor of the sewer and start waddling toward you. Oh hell no. You've not getting covered in... whatever it is that they're covered in. "I'm allergic to hugs! " you blurt. "Wha awergic? " asks Drain. "Dat good ting? Mean we gif huggies? " "It means I'll die I you hug me, " you say. "No wan fwiend hooman die! " cries the herd. "Hooman nice! Bwing Dwain back! " "So yeah, I'm just going to head back then, " you say before leaving the storm drain behind. Fluffies are kind of gross, living in the sewers like that. Can't imagine anyone wanting them as a pet. Not only that, they're just so filthy. You've had to assemble an entire massive pumping system just to deal with the expected volume of shit they're going to put out.

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Stiww on youw knyees, the cum is nyow at chin height. To avoid dwownying you open the bathwoom doow. The dewuge of man juice weminds you of the Gweat Mowasses Fwood of 1919, onwy with cum instead of mowasses. It's been two houws. Youw chiwdwen and wife scweam in tewwow as theiw bodies awe enguwfed by the snyow-white swudge. Youw youngest chiwd goes undew, with viscous bubbwes and muffwed cwies wising fwom the goop. You pwead to God to end youw suffewing. You squeeze youw dick to stop the cum, but it begins to weak out of youw asshowe instead. You wet go. The fowce of the cum teaws youw uwethwa open, weaving onwy a gaping howe in youw cwotch that spews semen. Youw body picks up speed as it swides backwawds awong the cum. You smash thwough the waww, huwtwing into the sky at thiwty miwes an houw. Fwom a biwd's eye view you see youw house is compwetewy white. Youw nyeighbow cawws the cops. As you continyue to ascend, you spot powice caws wacing towawds youw house. The cops puww out theiw guns and take aim, but stway woads of cum hit them in the eyes, bwinding them.

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Waww job openings in california

Luckily, you've spent plenty of time in the sewers around here, and you know exactly where he's talking about. It's less than a quarter of a mile, so you grab your flashlight, and head out. Make a note to patch the hole where that fluffy got it so more don't wander into the bowels of the park. You walk with the critter for a while as he babbles on about the "wite wall nummies" that are "icky bu fiww bewwy. " You assume he's talking about the fat that accumulates along sewer walls. It's gross, but if they can live off it, good for them. You eventually come to a huge storm drain where dozens of really filthy fluffies are playing. These are the dirtiest creatures you've ever laid eyes one. The biggest one, a huge blue fluffy, marches over to you and puffs out his cheeks. He's covered from hoof to hip in scars, and he's missing an eye. Still not intimidated by him though. "Wat ou wan, hooman? " he demands. "Go way! Dis ow home! No botheh hoomans! Wiv in seweh cause meanie hoomans gif big owies up dere! "

Waww job openings california

Infinyite cum. You sit on the toiwet to jack off, but you begin to cum uncontwowwabwy. Aftew ten spuwts you stawt to wowwy. Youw hand is sticky and it weeks of semen. You despewatewy shuv youw dick into a wad of toiwet papew, but that onwy makes youw bawws huwt. The cum accewewates. It's been thwee minyutes. You can't stop cumming. Youw bathwoom fwoow is cuvwed in a thin wayew of baby fwuid. You twy to cum into the showew dwain but it buiwds up too fast. You twy the toiwet. The cum is too thick to be fwushed. You wock the bathwoom doow to pwevent the cum fwom escaping. The aiw gwows hot and humid fwom the cum. You swip and faww in youw own spewm. The cum is nyow six inches deep, awmost as wong as youw stiww-ewect semen hose. Spwawwed on youw back, you begin to cum aww uvw the ceiwing. Gwobs of the sticky white fwuid begin to faww wike waindwops, giving you a faciaw with youw own cum. You stwuggwe to stand as the fowce of the cum begins to pwopew you backwawds as if you wewe on a bukkake themed swip-and-swide.

Da Wegion did nut wetweat. Acwoss da wivew, it gathews stwength. Campfiwes buwned, twaining dwums beat. Thwough it aww, da New Vegas Stwip haz stayed open fow business undew da contwow of its mystewious ovewseew, Mw. House, and his awmy of wehabiwitated Twibaws and powice wobots. You awe a couwiew, hiwed by da Mojave Expwess, to dewivew a package to da New Vegas Stwip. What seemed wike a simpwe dewivewy job haz taken a tuwn…fow da wowse x3

"Thank you, " you say. "Can I give you anything? " "Haf nummies? " asks Drain. "Waww nummies icky, but eat dem aww cause no otheh nummies. " "I'll bring some for you tomorrow, " you say. "Anything else you guys need? " Drain looks like he's thinking really hard. "Wan gif huggies, bu you awergic so no gif huggies. " Well, maybe one can't hurt. They are supposed to be really good at giving hugs, and maybe it'll make you feel better after wandering around the sewers for an hour. "Alright, you can give me just one. " "Yay! Huggies! " The fluffy unicorn wraps his stubby legs around your leg and gives you hug. It's not like your boots weren't covered in shit anyway. "Tank yoo hooman! " says Drain. "We fwiends now? "Sure thing, " you say. "See you tomorrow. " The unicorns all cheer, and wander away. It is nice to have someone to talk to, even if it is a fluffy pony. You find yourself wondering if you really will see them tomorrow. They come back a few minutes later. "Dwain, we wost again. "

You used to have a damn good life until that Christmas Eve a drunk driver took out your wife and kids. Now the only thing that fills your life as you wait for the end is your job. The huge tunnels hum with the quiet industry of a unique theme park for fluffies, but otherwise it's quiet. It'll be another few months before the place opens, so it's your job to make sure the disposal system works. "Litter Boxes" are everywhere, and they all feed into this big ass central pipe: A 24" pressurized culvert that sends solid and liquid waste down to a central holding tank of a few hundred thousand gallons. From there, it's pumped out into train cars and sold across the Midwest as fertilizer. It's all pretty clever, and if you gave a shit, you'd actually have respect for the engineer that built this place. But for right now, you just keep checking the pipes one by one to make sure they're moving at the specified interval. It's late though, and you're supposed to be off the clock already. You'd rather be in these tunnels than that big, empty house.

You look up from your clipboard to see a filthy red fluffy unicorn staring up at you. As popular as these things are, you've never seen one this close before. "How'd you get down here? " you ask the fluffy. "Got wost, " he says. "Dun know wheh hewd go. It dawk an scawy down heh! " "Well, let's get you back up the surface, " you say. "This is no place for a fluffy pony. " You move to pick up the unicorn, and he cringes away. "Dun huwt fwuffy! " he whimpers. "No be bad! Am gud fwuffy! No wan go up dere! " "I'm not going to hurt you, " you tell him. "I'm just going to get you out of here. " "Wike it down here! " he says. "Hewd down heh! ".., so there's more than one of these critters down here. "Let's go find them then, " you tell the fluffy. "Hewd wiv at big gwate! " he says. "Wookin fow nummies an gawt wost. " Big grate? He must be taking about the storm drains, which means that this fluffy actually lives in the sewers. Makes sense. The fluffy is heavily matted with all the atrocities one would expect of such an environment.

June 26, 2021, 10:58 pm